Whether it is old or new, the modern high-tech world currently witnesses young women making waves in industries that years ago were dominated by the opposite sex. FutureTechGirls Kickass Tips is the leading program to help girls and women step into the careers of technology with confidence. Whether it is coding for the first time or exploring advanced data science, these kickass tips will have future tech leaders stand out.

Believe it: Embrace a Growth Mindset

Firstly, the FutureTechGirls kickass tips include a growth mindset. The tech industry thrives on continuous learning, adaptation, and development. Learn to view failure as an opportunity to learn and improve rather than as a setback. No matter how hard it is to learn to code or perfect a complex algorithm, your persistence and resilience will set you apart.

Kickass Tip: You are never too big for challenges. Every problem that you solve brings you closer to mastery of your craft. So keep pushing forward and you can be unstoppable.

Expanding Your Network

One of the kickass tips FutureTechGirls preaches is to build a network: The technology industry thrives on collaboration, and networking is an important part of career development. Surround yourself with like-minded people who share your passion for technology-people who can support and motivate you, as well as open up opportunities.

Kickass Tip: Attend as many meetups about technology and join online forums so that you will reach out to some of your mentors who are also making this journey. Use LinkedIn and other social media sites to create meaningful connections and networking with professionals in the industry whom you will later tap for advice or job openings.

Hands-on Learning

Theory aside, it is always the practical that will make things happen. The FutureTechGirls kickass tips emphasize getting your hands dirty. You can participate in coding projects, take part in hackathons or work on open-source communities. It is actually this hands-on experience that will help you apply what you have learned. And improve your efficiency as well.

Kickass Tip: Think small, act big. Create personal projects that make you see and work outside the box. Real-world applications will hone your skills in addition to providing you with something concrete to take to an employer.

Stay Current on Industry News

The technology world evolves constantly and doesn’t matter what is happening in the latest. Artificial intelligence goes down to machine learning and blockchain technology; knowing exactly what is current will keep you on point. Kickass tips FutureTechGirls suggest for future tech professionals: be always informed, ready to adapt at any point in time.

Tip from a Kickass: Subscribe to tech newsletters; attend conferences and webinars; and follow tech influencers. The more you keep track of what is happening in the industry, the better you’re going to be than your peers. And the more likely you are going to be an as-set in any type of role with the company.

Be Your Own Advocate

Another excellent kickass advice from FutureTechGirls is self-advocacy. Women in technology are usually underrated or overlooked in the field of engineering so. Women should feel comfortable communicating their value, skills, and accomplishments. One key thing is not afraid to speak up when negotiating a raise or presenting new ideas.

Kickass Tip: Live your life being the strong-willed self that you are, never afraid to take on a leadership position. The more you negotiate with yourself, the more reward you will more than likely receive for what you bring to the table.

Find a Mentor

For a woman in the tech industry, a mentor could mean the whole difference between success and failure. It shows them insight, advises them aptly, and also encourages them. This is one of the kickass tips FutureTechGirls has: build a mentorship relationship early in your career.

Tip for Kickass: Surround yourself with experienced professionals that inspire you. Never be afraid to ask someone which way to go and remember that mentorship is a two-way street. Be open to feedback from people in your field who may have been down the road you are traveling on.

Develop Soft Skills Along with Your Hard Skills

Technical skill only takes you so far in the tech industry. Skills like communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence really make it happen for you to come out successful and develop in your career. Whether it’s coding, data analysis, or software development, working effectively with others, expressing ideas. And leadership make you quite a difference from other geeks out there.

Tip: Along with technical skills, public speaking, active listening, and leadership skills should also be developed. Since these skills promote one’s prospect of career growth.

Developing a Continuum of Self-Improvement Bias

This fast-paced technological world is leading to rapid obsolescence, and therefore. You have to keep on and on improving your skills. The tech industry does not stand still, and every day new tools, programming languages, frameworks, and methodologies enter the picture. This is what makes the need to learn and develop your skills throughout your lifetime become an inevitability of being relevant, competitive, and innovative.

Tip Kickass: Always learn something new relevant to professional growth through online courses, certifications, or tutorials related to your tech-related careers.

Destroying the Imposter Syndrome Legend

Many women in tech suffer from feelings of not being good enough or not deserving of what they have achieved. Hence falling under the category of people with impostor syndrome. The last of the kickass tips FutureTechGirls shares is freeing oneself from such limiting beliefs. Telling them that they have indeed earned their place in the space of tech with hard work and dedication.

Kickass Tip: Log your successes, no matter how small they might be. This will allow you to track your growth and help fight impostor syndrome when it rears its ugly head.


There are enough opportunities in the world of technology for women to thrive and succeed. And with these kickass tips from FutureTechGirls, you are good to take charge of your technological career. From building a great network, to overcoming self-doubt, these tips are sure to get you on your path towards greatness. Keep your curiosity lights burning bright, take on challenges and most importantly, start believing in yourself. The future of tech is all yours, and with these kickass tips FutureTechGirls in your pocket, nothing can stop you from greatness.